There are many situations in life where you might encounter a person who has some authority over you. For instance, in your New Mexico workplace, you might have a boss. If you are pulled over in a traffic stop, the police officer has the authority to make certain...
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Year: 2022
What actions count as police brutality?
Police are responsible for serving the public and protecting the interests of those they serve. Unfortunately, they do not always act in a way that is appropriate and legal, and civilians may pay the price for these actions. Police brutality is a serious matter, and...
Housing discrimination violates civil rights
When someone tries to rent a house or an apartment in New Mexico, any number of issues might arise to delay or prevent the transaction. For instance, many landlords conduct a tenant background check before signing a lease agreement. Financial issues may also come into...
New Mexico cop terminated due to alleged excessive force
In New Mexico and throughout the country, there are stringent rules regarding when police may shoot at criminal suspects. Such rules are designed to keep citizens, as well as police officers, safe. A police officer may not use excessive force against a person, which...
New Mexico teenager sentenced as an adult
In the early 1990s, a 17-year-old girl was in a romantic relationship that became abusive. Now in her 40s, the woman says that she was coerced by her then-boyfriend and another person to kidnap a fellow teenager. Her boyfriend and the other person were accused of...
3 things you should know about a Miranda warning
If anyone encounters a New Mexico police officer, either while being pulled over in a traffic stop or because an officer has knocked on his or her door, etc., the person in question might feel a bit anxious or afraid, which is understandable. If a police officer asks...
New Mexico man charged with murder
Deputies from the Lea County Sheriff's Department joined efforts with Tatum Police to investigate a discovery that was recently made at an abandoned gin near an intersection in Tatum. A body had been found in the area. When investigators arrived, they spoke with...
What does the Fifth Amendment mean for your case?
The United States Constitution grants certain rights to those accused of different types of crimes. The Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution specifically protects your right to avoid self-incrimination in the event you are under investigation or facing criminal...
Woman accused of murder in New Mexico
A man in New Mexico recently served time in jail in connection with a domestic assault. His girlfriend was reportedly good friends with another woman, whom police say conspired to have the man killed as an act of revenge on behalf of her friend, who was assaulted by...
New Mexico police make arrest for drug crimes
New Mexico law enforcement officers, including a specialized team of narcotics detectives, recently combined efforts with federal investigators to work on a case that ultimately resulted in a man’s arrest. The Drug Enforcement Administration sent an undercover agent...