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When A Teacher, Clergy Member, Or Prison Guard Abuses Someone In Their Care or Allows Abuse to Happen

Sexual abuse is wrong. Our society condemns the exploitation of vulnerable individuals, especially where there is an imbalance of power between the survivor and perpetrator or where those who are responsible for vulnerable individuals ignore their abuse.

When a minor is the target of sexual abuse, such activities are clearly criminal and should be immediately reported to law enforcement.

Regardless of age, the survivor of sexual harassment and abuse often experiences a sense of betrayal.

Whether a child or an adult is the victim of sexual abuse in a correctional facility or institution, there may be cause to bring a civil claim. A successful outcome generally should include financial compensation for the one who was harmed, as well as corrective measures to prevent further harm.

How Abuse Happens In These Trusted Institutions

Parents, students, and our community depend on schools to educate and keep people safe in their care. If your son or daughter has told you that someone in authority at school – or a fellow student, without proper supervision – has sexually abused him or her, turn to a trusted civil rights and plaintiff’s attorney for guidance.

At churches and other religious institutions, parishioners assume that priests and ministers, youth directors, camp counselors, and other religious leaders will watch out for the welfare of all people, especially young people. When sexual exploitation of children or adults occurs, criminal charges and/or civil remedies may be appropriate.

Prisoners and inmates may be the most vulnerable of all. They are literally captive and generally have no way of escape. An inmate can never consent to sex with a guard. Lower-level employees in jails and prisons may also be vulnerable to sexual assault within the four walls. Whatever type of sexual abuse has happened in an incarceration facility, an experienced plaintiff lawyer’s guidance can be the most direct path to resolution.

Law Office of Ryan J. Villa LLC Is Here To Help

Our law firm works to protect the rights of people who find themselves in these situations. If you, your child, or your adult loved one has been sexually abused or has experienced any other violation of civil rights, let us guide you and explore your legal options with you. Since 2014, we have been standing for justice.

Whatever you share with an attorney is confidential. We hope to hear from you if you have been harmed in one of these institutions, whether public or private. Call 505-445-7097 or email us to request a consultation.