"Telling lies" sits at the top of many people's lists of unethical and immoral behavior. Shockingly, law enforcement personnel don't always have problems telling lies when attempting to maneuver someone into self-incrimination. Someone may go from a suspect or even a...
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Year: 2021
Problems with eyewitness testimony in criminal cases
Some New Mexico residents may believe that eyewitness identifications are the gold standard in a criminal investigation. This belief may be backed up by portrayals of clear witness identifications in television shows or movies. However, eyewitness identifications are...
Cellphone privacy rights and legally accessible data
Prosecutors and police officers in New Mexico can go to great lengths to gather evidence to help in their case. One of the things they can do is ask the court to permit them to look through the data in your phone to find whatever kind of data they need. Here is more...
Just how reliable are police line-ups?
One of the types of ways that police in New Mexico, and around the country, use to help witnesses identify suspects is the police line-up. It is a classic: A variety of somewhat similar-looking suspects are brought into a location, and the witness to a crime is then...
What are the compensation rights of people wrongly convicted?
People who have been wrongfully convicted in New Mexico have the right to be angry. If it is determined that your civil rights were violated, you have every right to demand compensation. You should know what’s available to you and how you can fight back. Why should...
How to report police abuse
Each year, thousands of police abuse and rights violations are reported in the United States. If you were falsely arrested or otherwise had your civil rights violated in New Mexico, there are ways to report the abuse you experienced. Knowing the proper procedure for...
What happens when you are stopped by the police?
People who haven't dealt with law enforcement or the New Mexico criminal justice system might not fully know their rights. For example, when the police stop someone, the officers must respect a suspect's rights to make a lawful arrest. Persons concerned about police...
Independent Monitor report criticizes APD reform efforts
The court-appointed Independent Monitor tasked with assessing the reforms being implemented by the Albuquerque Police Department said in a report released on May 3 that officers still routinely use unnecessary force and often escape punishment. The Independent Monitor...
How experts can sometimes hurt a criminal case
Forensic evidence, including fingerprints and ballistics analysis, is prominently used in many criminal prosecutions in New Mexico and around the country. While fingerprint and ballistics analysts are commonly allowed to testify as experts in criminal cases with few...
Gender-related housing discrimination is illegal in New Mexico
In New Mexico, it's illegal to discriminate against people because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. Technically, it's been the law for decades, but enforcement has been sporadic at best. However, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development...