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New Mexico man says traffic stop was police abuse

Many people have experienced times in life when they may have driven over a posted speed limit because of an emergency, perhaps, trying to transport someone to the hospital. In fact, there have been stories where police have made a traffic stop, learned of the emergency, and then provided an escort for safe travel. A New Mexico man recently told reporters that he, accompanied by his family, was speeding, trying to get their dog to a veterinary hospital after having been hit by a car. However, instead of helping them, the police officer who pulled them over pointed a gun at the man’s head.

The driver says he was ordered to exit his car, which he did, with his hands in the air above his hand. He said he tried to explain to the officer what was happening. However, the officer demanded the man kneel in the street near a busy flow of traffic. The man said the officer then pointed a gun at his head.

Police officer makes a claim that appears to conflict with video surveillance

When the officer was later questioned about his aggressive behavior, he claimed that the driver of the vehicle held clenched fists in the air and looked angry as he exited the vehicle. However, video taken at the scene shows the man’s hands were not clenched. The man said he feared for his life and for his son, who was sticking his arms out of the car window during the traffic stop. He said he has always taught his family to support law enforcement, but he considers what happened to his family that day an abuse of power.

He said he has no idea what he did or said that could possibly merit being forced to his knees in traffic with a gun pointed at his head. Sadly, the family’s dog did not survive its injuries. Situations like this one often lead to civil lawsuits when people fight back against New Mexico police misconduct. Filing a complaint against a police officer can be scary, which is why most people hire an experienced civil rights attorney to represent them in court.